Government Actions

Going Green and Saving Green: Tax Credits for Clean Technology

Do you want to make the switch to an electric vehicle? Are you purchasing solar panels for your home? Is it time for your business to switch to renewable energy? The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 makes all of these green choices easier on your wallet. Read our article to find out what you could be saving on.

Important New Guidelines for Municipal Audits in Alabama

HB256, also known as the Municipal Audit Clarification Act, details how mayors or city managers of a municipality should audit their municipality’s financial expenditures. Are you aware of this new bill’s requirements? Visit our blog for useful information regarding the new requirements.

A Handy Summary of the Key Points of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

Inflation continues to strain American families – and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 seeks to solve this growing crisis. Still, there may be unintended consequences to this sweeping fix in the wake of COVID-19. Read our blog to get a summary of the good AND the bad of the IRA.

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